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4 Uncommon Methods For Success

Writer's picture: Daniel CuestaDaniel Cuesta

A.I is changing the game, all parts of it.

Industries that may have never been conceived as "in danger" are now taking steps back to reassess their stance in this shifting playing field.

@Tweeds CEO and Founder Daniel Tweedall finds himself amidst the forefront of this changing landscape as he leads @Tweeds, a self-publishing firm, in finding innovative techniques for ethically balancing and distinguishing A.I use.

I sat down with him to discuss what he's learned along his journey as a talented entrepreneur and storyteller in an ever-evolving world.

Here's what I learned:

Know What You Are Not:

- Don't get caught up in trying to do everything better than everyone. Let those who know what they are doing do what they are good at. Just make sure you get the best people for the job while you become a better you.

Just begin:

- So many of us are scared of starting a project, but it really is as easy as just beginning. It will clear your mind while making clear what you need to work on. Down the road, just starting will answer all your questions, even the ones you didn't know you had.

If You Believe, You’re Willing To Bleed:

- Don't ever do it for the paycheck. Not believing in something turns that into a chore; not that everything is sexy, but you can power through those things if your Vision is clear. The Vision is Everything. Build and enhance that Vision. Believe it.

Be Kind And Open To Creating Unexpected Moments Of Joy:

- You never know where people are at …A little bit of kindness could set them in a whole new direction, and remember, laughing never hurts. This kind of life is a more pleasant one to lead.

Talking one-on-one with someone in the midst of the change has been eye-opening and impactful. This experience has been an honor and pleasure.

If you want to learn more about Daniel Tweedall's work as well as Tweeds, check out the links below:

- Making The Most Of Being Curious

Daniel J. Cuesta

And To Follow The DC Brand On All Major Social Platforms, check out: @DanielCuesta007

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