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Passivity Is A Poison.

Writer's picture: Daniel CuestaDaniel Cuesta

It wasn’t Eve’s fault…

Or, at least, not entirely.

Whether religious or not, the fall of man, as told by the Genesis narrative, reveals a profound insight that should not be ignored. 

Passivity Is A Poison.

That’s what led to the fall; today, most of us still allow it.

In the same manner that we so easily interpret the Odyssey or a Shakespearean play as a manner to see into man's inner workings, so too can religious texts, perhaps even more so, reveal profound and eternally situated lessons.

As the history goes, Adam is the first man. 

God decides it's not good for him to be alone, so he creates Woman from a rib of Adams's side. 

She is intended for perfect companionship. God says this is good.

They are given dominion, a garden of beauty, and a banquet of provisions—all they could want. The only condition was not to eat from the tree in the center of Eden. This part is familiar to most, but many of us mistakingly put all the blame on Eve for what happens next.

Sure, the serpent was cunning and deceptive. Yes, she took of the forbidden fruit and ate it, but have we ever stopped to wonder who stood next to her and let it happen?

Adam and Eve were the only two people in the garden at the time. Where was he when she was being led astray?

Giving him the benefit of us not being there to see this happen, perhaps he was wandering the greenery.

Even so, when offered the fruit later, the choice to stand up or give in was still available.

Turns out both are at fault. 

Each one knew what they had to do but gave in to Passivity, allowing their desire to pull them in.


Yes, temptations, hardships, letdowns, breakups, knee-scrapes, and world-crumbling disasters can occur in our lives, but in the end, it's still up to us to respond accordingly.

In our own lives, we see this constantly—the Poison Of Passivity.

“I’ll eat that slice; it's only today. I’ll be back on the diet tomorrow. ” 

“I snoozed the alarm six times, but it’s fine; I'm always late anyway.”

“I don't agree with them, but whatever, it's not hurting me.”

None of these statements are inherently wrong, but they build habits that stack upon one another and can be a danger to us later on.

Sooner rather than later, we might struggle to recognize the extraordinary and incredible persons we are if we allow Passivity to steer our ships.

Doing nothing when life calls for something can lead to everything burning down.


Live life like it matters because it does.

This week, be intentional about your choices, where and how you spend your time, and with whom. 

Let's get it and do what needs to be done, say what needs to be said, and actively pursue excellence by making wise decisions.

Don't Drink The Poison Of Passivity.

- Making The Most Of Being Curious

Daniel J. Cuesta


Genesis One, Two, and Three:

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